Call Us! 787-889-3425

About Us

Playa Azul Apts. Management is located in the town of Luquillo; this town is located at the east coast of Puerto Rico, just 45 minutes away from San Juan International Airport. In Luquillo we have one of the most beautiful beaches of the island which is called “El Balneario de Luquillo”. At “El Balneario de Luquillo” you can have a perfect day at the beach trying water sports, getting the perfect sun tan and if you get hungry you can walk to “Los Kioskos de Luquillo” where you will find more than 20 kiosks and you can have a taste of the local food with a Piña Colada. In Luquillo you will also find a few Haciendas, stables, at the hacienda you can go on a horse back riding tour thru the forest or the beach.

What Our Clients Say...

Playa Azul Management Inc. takes care of my apartment while I am back at home in the states. They do the renting and promotions while I work. During vacation, I fly to Sunny Puerto Rico and enjoy some days of hot nice weather while my friends freeze back home!

John McMiller

Meet the team

Playa Azul Management Inc. is composed of more than 20 years of combined experience in local property management. The team will take care of your property if you plan to rent it. When selling, you can rest assured that we will work the best deal for you.

Enoc Rivera

Assistant Manager

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Promotional Video

Rest assured, Playa Azul Management Inc. is here to take care of managing your property while you enjoy your time.